As Johnston-Atoll is a Atoll am neadlichn Pazifik, 1.150 km siadwestle vo Hawaii gleng. De Inselgruppn ghead politisch zu de Vaeinigtn Staatn.
Johnston-Atoll | |
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Gwässa | Pazifischer Ozean |
Geographische Log | 16° 44′ N, 169° 32′ W |
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Ozoi vo de Insln | 4 |
Hauptinsl | Johnston Island |
Londfläch | 2,67 km² |
Lagunenfläch | 130 km² |
Einwohna | (unbewohnt) |
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Werkeln- Gerard Ward (Hrsg.): American activities in the Central-Pacific. 1790-1870. A history, geography and ethnography pertaining to American involvement and Americans in the pacific taken from contemporary newspapers. Band 3: Gaferut to Kwajalein. Gregg, Ridgewood NJ 1967.
Im Netz
14 Mitgliedsstatn vo de Vaeintn Nationa: Andane Gebiete |
Bundesstootn: Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kalifornien | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | Noad-Carolina | Noad-Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | Sid-Carolina | Siid-Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming Bundesdistrikt: Washington, D.C. Außengebiete: Amerikanisch-Samoa | Jungferninseln | Bakerinsel | Guam | Howlandinsel | Jarvisinsel | Johnstoninsel | Kingmanriff | Midwayinseln | Navassa | Nördliche Marianen | Palmyra | Puerto Rico | Wake |