JGirault (WMF)
Beigetreten 10. Nóvémber 2015
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Julien Girault
User Experience Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation
About me
When not on a computer, designing and building cool UIs, or learning new technologies, I will be found outdoor enjoying life or at home cooking a french dish (also counts as enjoying life).
I am passionate about sports (mostly football and rugby), food and restaurants, music and party, culture and travel.
I live in San Francisco (USA), but you will sometimes find me in my hometown Montpellier (France).
My work
I joined the Wikimedia Discovery department in 2015.
Currently I am working on a Maps extension for Mediawiki called Kartographer. Before I was working on the Wikipedia portal.
Disclaimer: I work for or provide services to the Wikimedia Foundation, and this is the account I try to use for edits or statements I make in that role. However, the Foundation does not vet all my activity, so edits, statements, or other contributions made by this account may not reflect the views of the Foundation.
Contact me
- jgirault@wikimedia.org
- IRC: jgirault on Freenode
- #wikimedia-interactive
- #wikimedia-discovery